December 29, 2011
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
06/09/89 AMT #2 ,
07/12/89 AMT #1 ,
07/13/89 AMT #1 ,
07/18/89 AMT #1b ,
12/01/89 AMT #1a ,
12/01/89 AMT #1b ,
01/19/90 AMT #1 ,
01/20/90 AMT #1 (transfer 2) ,
03/08/91 AMT #1 ,
08/23/91 AMT #3 ,
08/23/91 PRO #1a ,
08/23/91 PRO #2 ,
09/16/91 AMT #1 (transfer 3) ,
09/26/91 AMT #1 ,
10/31/91 PRO #4 ,
10/31/91 PRO #5 ,
10/31/91 PRO #6 ,
11/05/91 AMT #1c ,
11/14/91 AMT #2 ,
11/20/91 AMT #1 ,
11/25/91 PRO #1c ,
12/02/91 AMT #1 ,
12/31/91 AMT #1 ,
01/24/92 AMT #1 ,
08/30/92 AMT #1 ,
08/30/92 AMT #3 ,
09/26/92 AMT #1 ,
01/23/93 PRO #1 (transfer 2) ,
02/06/94 PRO #2b ,
02/08/94 PRO #1 ,
02/21/94 AMT #1 ,
02/23/94 PRO #1a ,
02/24/94 AMT #1 and
02/25/94 AMT #1 .
September 28, 2008
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
09/30/89 AMT #1 ,
08/23/91 AMT #1 ,
09/01/91 AMT #1 ,
11/19/91 PRO #1a (Transfer 1) ,
11/25/91 PRO #1a ,
11/25/91 PRO #2 ,
11/25/91 PRO #3b ,
11/25/91 PRO #4 (Transfer 2) ,
11/27/91 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
06/27/92 AMT #1b ,
02/12/94 AMT #1 ,
02/24/94 AMT #2 (Transfer 2) and
02/25/94 AMT #2 .
November 17, 2007
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
06/27/89 AMT #1 ,
09/30/89 AMT #1 ,
11/02/89 AMT #1 ,
11/20/89 AMT #1 ,
11/20/89 AMT #2 ,
02/12/90 AMT #1 ,
02/14/90 AMT #1a (Transfer 2) ,
02/17/90 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
05/06/90 AMT #1 ,
05/06/90 AMT #2 ,
08/24/91 AMT #1 ,
09/26/91 AMT #1 ,
09/27/91 AMT #1 ,
10/24/91 AMT #1 ,
10/31/91 PRO #2 ,
11/08/91 PRO #2 and PRO #3 ,
11/23/91 AMT #1 ,
11/25/91 PRO #3a ,
12/06/91 PRO #1a ,
02/06/92 AMT #1 ,
06/26/92 AMT #1, AMT #2 and PRO #1c ,
06/26/92 PRO #1a ,
01/16/93 PRO #2 ,
09/25/92 PRO #1 ,
02/04/94 PRO #1a ,
02/12/94 AMT #1 ,
MTV2's Nirvana Special ,
12/10/93 interview
Unplugged In New York.
Updated source numbers for:
02/14/90 AMT #1a ,
11/08/91 PRO #2 and PRO #3 ,
11/25/91 PRO #1a ,
11/25/91 PRO #1b ,
11/25/91 PRO #3a ,
11/25/91 PRO #3b ,
11/25/91 PRO #4 ,
02/22/92 clips ,
11/18/93 PRO #1 and
11/18/93 PRO #2 .
Updated generation for:
02/14/90 AMT #1a and
10/06/91 AMT #1 .
Removed circulating transfer:
06/27/92 AMT #1 (Chris Hill / Transfer 2) .
September 26, 2006
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
1989 Spring Studio Clips ,
06/23/89 AMT #1 ,
06/23/89 AMT #2a ,
06/24/89 Clip ,
09/01/91 AMT #2 ,
11/23/91 AMT #1 ,
01/31/92 AMT #1 (transfer 2) ,
09/11/92 PRO #1a and PRO #1b ,
10/04/92 AMT #1a ,
12/13/93 AMT #1 (rehearsals) ,
12/13/93 AMT #2 (rehearsals)
02/22/94 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) .
April 16, 2006
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
05/26/89 AMT #1 ,
09/30/89 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
11/02/89 clips ,
10/11/90 AMT #1 ,
09/01/91 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
09/16/91 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
11/25/91 PRO #3b ,
01/25/92 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
06/21/92 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
09/11/92 AMT #1 ,
09/08/93 clips ,
09/25/93 PRO #1 ,
09/25/93 PRO #2a ,
12/31/93 AMT #2 ,
02/25/94 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
02/27/94 PRO #1 ,
06/30/92 interview ,
MTV Tribute to Nirvana
The Rise & Rise Of Kurt Cobain .
Changed source code of
12/13/93 rehearsal from PRO #1 to AMT #1.
Added note to
11/27/91 AMT #1.
Added caps to
10/30/92 PRO #1c.
Added caps and details to
03/20/90 PRO #1b.
November 12, 2005
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
11/15/89 AMT #1 ,
03/20/90 AMT #1 ,
10/11/90 AMT #1 ,
08/23/91 AMT #2 (Transfer 2) ,
11/27/91 AMT #1 ,
06/27/92 AMT #1 (Transfer 2) ,
01/23/93 PRO #2d ,
02/21/94 AMT #1 ,
MTV featuring Nevermind ,
Twee Vandaag: Anton Corbijn
TMF EXIT Special .
Added a link for the
12/xx/88 rehearsal as well as for numerous clips which appear on various compilations.
Updated the
Awaiting Transfer list to include all untransferred sources.
October 17, 2005
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
07/18/89 AMT #1c ,
04/17/90 PRO #1 ,
10/11/90 AMT #1 ,
09/21/91 PRO #1 ,
12/02/91 AMT #1 ,
08/30/92 AMT #5 ,
09/11/92 PRO #1 ,
10/04/92 AMT #1a ,
12/13/93 AMT #1 ,
Unsolved Mysteries ,
VH1 Grunge .
Added the following to pending transfers:
08/23/91 AMT #2 ,
09/26/91 AMT #1 ,
11/23/91 AMT #1 ,
11/27/91 AMT #1 ,
06/26/92 AMT #1, AMT #2, PRO #1a and PRO #1c ,
06/27/92 AMT #1 and
02/21/94 AMT #1 .
Added old transfer of
04/17/91 AMT #1b to circulating DVDs to show the split sources.
Added 1st transfer of
12/30/93 AMT #1 back and noted differences.
July 30, 2005
Added the following transfers to circulating DVDs:
06/23/89 AMT #2a ,
08/23/91 AMT #1 ,
08/24/91 AMT #1 ,
11/08/91 PRO #1a ,
12/06/91 PRO #1a ,
06/28/92 AMT #1 ,
08/30/92 AMT #1 ,
11/09/93 AMT #2 ,
12/30/93 AMT #1 ,
02/24/94 AMT #1 ,
02/25/94 AMT #1 ,
Video Compilation ,
Removed 1st generation 02/21/94 from pending transfers.
March 19, 2005
Added details and caps to
11/15/89 AMT #1.
Replaced and added caps to
11/27/89 AMT #1.
Added new source,
09/16/91 AMT #2 , to circulating DVDs.
Added transfer notes to
01/25/92 AMT #1.
Added caps and review to
09/10/92 PRO #1.
Added transfer notes to
12/13/93 PRO #1c.
02/22/94 AMT #1 from pending to circulating DVDs.
Added transfer notes to
TV Light.
Added MD5 checksums to
02/17/90 AMT #1 ,
10/25/90 AMT #1 ,
08/23/91 AMT #1 ,
08/24/91 AMT #1 ,
09/16/91 AMT #2 ,
11/19/91 PRO #1a ,
11/20/91 AMT #1 ,
01/10/92 PRO #1b ,
01/11/92 PRO #1a ,
01/31/92 AMT #1 ,
06/27/92a AMT #1 ,
08/30/92 PRO #1e ,
08/30/92 PRO #1b/c ,
09/10/92 PRO #1 ,
01/23/93 PRO #1 ,
09/23/93 PRO #1a ,
02/04/94 PRO #1a ,
02/22/92 PRO #1 ,
02/24/94 AMT #1 ,
03/01/94 PRO #1a ,
TV Light ,
MTV Tribute.
January 14, 2005
No Apologies: Nirvana's MTV History to compilations.
Noted PAL>NTSC conversions for the following:
11/03/89, 11/26/89, 10/25/90, 08/23/91 far, 08/23/91 close, 08/24/91, 09/01/91 side, 09/01/91 front BL, 11/05/91 far, 11/05/91 close, 11/19/91 BL, 11/25/91, 01/31/92, 06/21/92, 06/26/92 close, 06/27/92 far, 08/30/92 pro
Corrected video conversion for 08/30/92 Amt #4
January 13, 2005
Hype! and
Saturday Night Live: The Musical Performances Volume 2 to official releases.
Re-sized all thumbnails
Added menu caps for the following:
01/23/88, 07/18/89, 11/20/89, 01/20/90, 02/12/90, 02/16/90, 02/17/90, 02/19/90, 03/20/90,
10/25/90, 04/17/91, 08/23/91 far, 08/23/91 close, 08/24/91, 09/01/91 far, 09/01/91 side,
10/06/91, 10/19/91, 11/13/91, 11/14/91, 11/19/91 BL, 11/25/91, 1/11/92, 1/31/92, 6/21/92, 6/26/92
close, 6/27/92 far, 8/30/92 pro, 9/26/92, 1/23/93 uncut, 1/23/93 edit, 4/9/93, 9/23/93,
11/04/93, 11/9/93 Kurt, 11/18/93 uncut, 11/19/91 pending
January 12, 2005
Complete update, and re-design, of the entire DVD Guide by its new maintainer, Merv Gavin!
June 05, 2004
Updated, and re-formatted, the entire DVD Guide!
June 04, 2003
Added the following shows to the 'Videos Transferred To DVD' section:
08/24/90 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(2)>DVDR
Changed the lowest generations of the following entries:
02/12/90 (LNTH AUD #2) - from VID(1)>DVDR to VID(M)>MiniDV(1)>DVDR
02/16/90 (LNTH AUD #2) - from VID(2)>DVDR to VID(1)>MiniDV(1)>DVDR
09/26/92 (LNTH AUD) - from VID(1)>D8(1)>DVDR to VID(M)>MiniDV(1)>DVDR
May 13, 2003
Divided the section into 'Videos Transferred To DVD' and 'Videos Awaiting Transfer To DVD', and integrated it with
Nirvana Tour History .
Added the following shows to the 'Videos Transferred To DVD' section:
01/23/88 (LNTH AUD) - VID(1)>DVDR
01/24/88 (LNTH AUD) - TV>VID(1)>DVDR
12/21/88 (LNTH AUD #2b) - VID(1)>DVDR
06/23/89 (LNTH AUD #1) - VID(1)>D8(1)>DVDR
11/26/89 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(?)>DVDR
08/23/91 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(1)>DVDR
08/24/91 (LNTH AUD #3) - VID(2)>DVDR
09/21/91 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
09/26/91 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(2)>DVDR
10/24/91 (LNTH AUD) - VID(3)>DVDR
11/05/91 (LNTH AUD #4) - VID(?)>DVDR
11/08/91 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(1)/VID(2)>DVDR
11/13/91 (LNTH AUD) - VID(2)>DVDR
11/20/91 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
11/23/91 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
11/27/91 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(1)/VID(2)>DVDR
11/27/91 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(2)>DVDR
12/03/91 (LNTH AUD) - TV>VID(2)>DVDR
12/06/91 (LNTH AUD #2) - TV>VID(1)>DVDR
01/31/92 (LNTH AUD) - VID(2)>DVDR
02/22/92 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(?)>DVDR
06/21/92 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(2)>DVDR
06/26/92 (LNTH AUD #5) - VID(1)>DVDR
06/27/92 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(2)>DVDR
06/27/93 (LNTH AUD #3) - VID(1)>DVDR
06/28/92 (LNTH AUD) - VID(2)>DVDR
08/30/92 (LNTH AUD #4) - VID(1)>DVDR
08/30/92 (LNTH AUD #5) - VID(1)>DVDR
08/30/92 (LNTH AUD #6) - VID(2)>DVDR
09/09/92 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(1)/VID(2)>DVDR
10/30/92 (LNTH SBD #1a) - VID(?)>DVDR
01/16/93 (LNTH SBD #2) - TV>VID(3)>DVDR
04/09/93 (LNTH AUD #4) - VID(1)>DVDR
11/18/93 (LNTH SBD #1) - TV>VID(1)>DVDR
11/27/93 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
12/29/93 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
02/04/94 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(3)>DVDR
02/06/94 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(?)>DVDR
02/12/94 (LNTH AUD) - VID(2)>DVDR
02/21/94 (LNTH AUD #1) - VID(1)>DVDR
02/22/94 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(2)>DVDR
02/23/94 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(2)/VID(3)>DVDR
02/24/94 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
02/24/94 (LNTH AUD #4) - VID(2)>DVDR
02/25/94 (LNTH AUD #2) - VID(1)>DVDR
02/25/94 (LNTH AUD #3) - VID(2)>DVDR
02/27/94 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(3)>DVDR
03/01/94 (LNTH SBD) - TV>VID(2)>DVDR
Changed the lowest generations of the following entries:
04/10/90 (LNTH AUD #3) - from VID(?)>D8(1)>DVDR to VID(3)>DVDR
04/17/91 (LNTH AUD) - from VID(3)>DVDR to VID(1)>DVDR
January 08, 2003
10/30/92 to the guide.
December 04, 2002
Added all known videos which have yet to be transferred to DVD to the reviews section.
November 15, 2002
Added vid caps for
11/03/89 ,
10/25/90 ,
09/01/91 (Side Shot),
09/01/91 (Front Shot),
10/06/91 ,
10/25/91 ,
11/05/91 ,
11/19/91 ,
11/25/91 ,
08/30/92 ,
09/26/92 ,
09/23/93 ,
11/02/93 ,
12/13/93 ,
12/30/93 .
October 28, 2002
Changed 'Love Gun' to 'The Green Manalishi (With The Two Pronged Crown)' on the
09/16/91 setlist.
October 02, 2002
Added audio and video info to
all shows .
December 21, 2001
The LiveNIRVANA Guide to DVDs section is launched.