LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: 01/23/93 - Praça da Apoteose (Hollywood Rock Festival), Rio de Janeiro, BR

Generation: BETA(M)>VHS(2)>DVDR - dual layer
Source: PRO #2c - professional video "edited"
Length: 88 mins - complete

Transferred by: Jim Hirte


01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93

Transfer Notes: This source is the same as PRO #2a, except that it has a timecode obscuring part of the screen. PRO #2a is lower quality overall. This source is slightly longer due to a few extra minutes during the intro and outro, although it doesn't contain any extra concert footage.


Missing some banter and jams between songs.

Review: This is the edited version of the pro-shot video, it has some different camera angles to the uncut version. As would be expected the camera work is excellent with some great shots.

Inferior Transfers: VHS(2)>STANDALONE>DVDR, unknown, re-authored by Alex Zemenov
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:

Old menu

Please see the Live Nirvana Tour History for more information about the sources available for this show.