Real or Fake? -- Pennyroyal Tea
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  The info in this document is not going to be revolutionary.  What it will be is a simple checklist that you can use when buying one of the singles.  Every attempt will be made to be informative, yet brief and to the point.

Additional images and basic info for official and counterfeit copies can be found on the summary page.

Information on this page is compiled from various sources and is not official.  While not perfect, we do try to be as accurate as possible.  If you have anything to add or correct, please click on the link above to submit info.

t h i n g s   t o   c h e c k
  1. The artwork on the insert should be clear and crisp.

  2. The spine should have all text printed in white, except for the word "Nirvana" which is printed in a dark yellow or gold on official copies.  Some counterfeits will try and match this look, but their yellow is lighter.  Other counterfeits may have all text in white, a sure giveaway.



  3. This may be an isolated occurence, but to the left of the UPC the catalog number should be printed in different thicknesses; thin on the spine and thicker on the fold.  The counterfeit version shown below has the same thickness for both.



  4. The font used for "Pennyroyal Tea" and "Geffen" on the spine should match.





  5. The ® symbol should be visible on the folded part of the sleeve (below the Geffen logo, but right above the word "Geffen"), but this can be misleading because some fakes do have this detail.


  6. Text on the CD should be printed in purple, not black.



  7. The word "hiring" should be spelled correctly on the rim of the CD.  (Note "hirinng" below.)


  8. The matrix should have a Sonopress code.  (Some official copies may also have an IFPI code -- either 0738 or 0793 -- stamped into the plastic inner ring.)



s o u r c e s
  Cory Brookshire, NFC, Anders "Andy" Leirvik, Damien Rockwell, Mitch Vassar, Enrico Vincenzi


Digital Nirvana