Who's Who In NIRVANA's History A–I

Aigner, Ryan
Acted briefly as the band's "manager" in 1987. He booked their first gig, the infamous March 1987 Raymond house party at 17 Nussbaum Road
Albini, Steve
Recorded NIRVANA's third studio album, In Utero. Steve passed away on May 7th, 2024 at the age of 61.
Allman, Kevin
Interviewed Cobain for The Advocate, a weekly gay magazine
Anderson, Dawn
Wrote the very first article about the band for the Seattle music paper Backlash
Arden, Dale
Wendy Fradenburg's uncle
Arm, Mark
Lead singer of the band Mudhoney, a band Cobain admired. Hitherto Arm was in the band Green River
Asher, Peter
Co-President of Sanctuary Artist Management, representing Courtney Love and The Cobain Estate
Azerrad, Michael
A former contributing editor at Rolling Stone and author of Come As You Are: The Story Of Nirvana
Bailey, Bill
Real name of Axl Rose, often used by Cobain as a pseudonym to book hotel rooms
Bailey, Brenda
Wife of Earnie Bailey (who was NIRVANA's guitar-tech)
Bailey, Earnie
Guitar-tech for NIRVANA
Bangs, Lance
Produced the DVD from the "With the Lights Out" box-set
Bayer, Sam
Directed the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit
Bens, Detective Michael
Arrested Cobain on the night of July 23rd 1985 for spraypainting. Cobain received a fine and a suspended sentence
Berends, Ruud
NIRVANA's NL booking agent at Paperclip Agency
Bernstein, Nils
Former publicist at Sub Pop records, currently working at Matador Records
Beveridge, Ian
NIRVANA's monitor/sound engineer
Billig, Janet
Former Caroline Records publicist who went on to manage NIRVANA and Hole via Gold Mountain Entertainment
Bjelland, Kat
Leads Babes in Toyland. Before this she was briefly in a band with Courtney Love and Jennifer Finch called Sugar Baby Doll
Bland, Danny
NIRVANA's US booking agent at Sub Pop Records
Blum, Jordyn
Dave Grohl's second/current wife
Bolsom, Jo
Geffen UK label manager
Brookes, Anton
NIRVANA's UK publicist
Broomfield, Nick
British documentary maker who made the controversial film 'Kurt and Courtney'
Brown, Steve
Director of the Sub Pop Video Network 1 In Bloom video
Buck, Peter
R.E.M. guitarist. NIRVANA partied at Buck's house after their 1991 show at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia. See also Litt, Scott and Stipe, Michael
Buddenbaum, Bethann
Associate manager at Gold Mountain Entertainment
Burckhard, Aaron
Briefly drummed for NIRVANA in 1987
Burroughs, William Seward
One of Cobain's favourite authors. Cobain collaborated with Burroughs in 1993 on the release The Priest They Called Him: Cobain providing backing guitar noise as Burroughs read one of his compositions. Passed away August 2nd, 1997
Cameron, Keith
Journalist for Sounds magazine back in the day. Interviewed NIRVANA several times
Canning, Kirk
Played cello on the Nevermind version of 'Something In The Way'. The band only met Canning the night before finishing recording the album
Carlson, Dylan
Frontman of the band Earth and longstanding friend of Cobain's. First met at Cobain's first live performance at the GESCCO Hall. They lived together briefly in 1986/87
Carroll, Rosemary
Danny Goldberg's wife who acted as the Cobain's lawyer
Channing, Chad
NIRVANA's drummer between 1988 and 1990
Channing, Kyrstie
Chad Channing's sister
Channing, Joelle
Chad Channing's sister
Clarke, Victoria
Started work on a warts and all unauthorised biography of the band and received threatening messages from Cobain and Courtney Love not to publish
Close, Nic
NIRVANA guitar-tech
Cobain, Burle
Cobain, Chad
Cobain half-brother
Cobain, Donald
Cobain's father
Cobain, Frances Bean
Kurt Cobain's and Courtney Love's daughter, born August 1992
Cobain, Gary
Cobain's uncle
Cobain, Iris
Cobain's grandmother. Passed away in 1997
Cobain, Jenny Westby
Cobain's stepmother
Cobain, Jim
Cobain's uncle
Cobain, Kenneth
Cobain's great-uncle
Cobain, Kimberly
Cobain's sister
Cobain, Kurt Donald
NIRVANA's frontman. Passed away in April 1994
Cobain, Leland
Cobain's grandfather. Passed away May 29, 2013
Cobain, Michael
Cobain, Wendy
Cobain's mother (see Wendy Fradenburg)
Collins, Britt
Co-author of a unauthorized NIRVANA biography that was never released. See Clarke, Victoria
Cope, Julian
Member of the Teardrop Explodes and former boyfriend of Courtney Love's
Corbijn, Anton
Directed the Heart-Shaped Box video
Covey, Dwight
A friend of Novoselic's who drove the band to record their first studio demo at Reciprocal Recording Studios in January 1988
Creager, Melora
Cello player with NIRVANA from the beginning of their 1994 European tour until their show on the 1st March 1994
Cross, Charles
Long time editor of The Rocket. Co-author of Classic Rock Albums: Nevermind and author of Heavier Than Heaven: The Biography Of Kurt Cobain. Passed away August 11th, 2024 at the age of 67.
Crover, Dale
Played bass in the first band Cobain put together, called Fecal Matter. Crover recorded the infamous Fecal Matter demo with Cobain. Crover was to drum for NIRVANA on numerous occassions between 1987 and 1990, but was first and foremost drummer for the Melvin's.
Dalke, Michael
NIRVANA's drum tech on the US In Utero tour
Dalston, Chris
NIRVANA's JP booking agent at Triad Agency
Davy, Christophe
NIRVANA's FR booking agent at Radical Production
Deal, Kim
Singer/guitarist with the Pixies and then her own band The Breeders, which were both bands Cobain liked
De La Rosa, Tony
Actor who played the Janitor in the Smells Like Teen Spirit video
DeWitt, Michael (Cali)
Nanny to Frances Bean Cobain. Appears in drag on In Utero inlay
Dickson, Ian
Danced onstage for the 10-31-1991 Halloween show along with Nikki McClure. They wore "boy" and "girl" shirts with their roles reversed.
Dillard, Mike
Original drummer of the Melvins who was replaced by Dale Crover. Cobain met Mike through Matt Lukin and Buzz Osbourne, who were also in the Melvins
Dilly, Shelli
Novoselic's first wife
Doyle, Tad
Lead singer of another infamous Sub Pop band with whom NIRVANA toured Europe in the fall of 1989
Duncan, John
AKA "Big John". NIRVANA roadie, formerly of the band The Exploited. Stood in as NIRVANA's second guitarist at their July 23rd 1993 Roseland Ballroom show in New York
Dwyer, Budd R
Politician with commited suicide on television. It is stated in Cross's Cobain biography Heavier Than Heaven that Cobain viewed this footage over and over again
Elden, Spencer
The baby who appears on the front of Nevermind. Tried unsuccessfuly to sue Nirvana over the Nevermind Album Cover in 2021
Ellinghaus, Christof
NIRVANA's DE booking agent at Sweatshop Promotions
Endino, Jack
Infamous Seattle producer, who co-founded Reciprocal Recording Studios in Seattle. Recorded Bleach, NIRVANA's very first album. Also recorded and mixed tracked that appear on Incesticide and the boxset (acted as a consultant on the boxset too)
Erlandson, Eric
Guitarist in the band Hole and friend of Cobain's. Recorded some demos with Cobain in March 1994
Everman, Jason
NIRVANA's second guitarist in 1989. Payed the recording costs of 'Bleach'.
Farmer, Frances
Film star from Seattle who was institutionalised, given a lobotomy and brutalised. Her story inspired the song Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle. Courtney Love married Cobain in one of Frances's dresses
Farrell, Ray
Marketing executive at Geffen
Finch, Jennifer
Member of L7, who toured with NIRVANA. Before this was in a band with Courtney Love and Kat Bjelland called Sugar Baby Doll. Also a former girlfriend of Dave Grohl's.
Finnerty, Amy
MTV progammer who demanded the station air the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit, or she'd quit, because she liked it so much! The song was to prove quite popular ... The band would later party at her house after their September 28th gig at the Marquee Club in New York
Fisher, Robert
Art director at Geffen. Worked with the band on the infamous Nevermind cover and on subsequent releases
Fisk, Steve
Producer who recorded NIRVANA's Blew EP in September 1989 at Music Source Studios in Seattle
Foster, John Russell
Cinematographer for the Sub Pop Video Network 1 version of In Bloom
Foster, Dave
Drummed briefly for NIRVANA in 1988
Fradenburg, Charles
Cobain's grandfather
Fradenburg, Chuck
Cobain's uncle. Chuck looked after Cobain briefly as a child
Fradenburg, Delbert
Wendy Fradenburg's uncle. Subsequently changed his name to Dale Arden
Fradenburg, Mari
Cobain's aunt at who's home he recorded the infamous Fecal Matter demo
Fradenburg, Peggy Irving
Cobain's grandmother
Cobain, Wendy
Cobain's mother. Wendy was married, divorced, and married again. Also known as Wendy Cobain and Wendy O'Connor during her life. Passed away June 21, 2021 in Sedona, AZ
Friend, Gerald
The name of the rapist who inspired the song Polly
Gaar, Gillian
Rock journalist and NIRVANA expert. Also worked on the boxset as a consultant
Geffen, David
Founder and owner of the David Geffen Company (DGC), with whom's record company NIRVANA signed in 1991
Gersh, Gary
NIRVANA's A&R man at Geffen/DGC Records. CEO of Strummer Recordings
Giombini, Daniela
NIRVANA's IT booking agent at Subway Productions
Gladfelter Bell, Lisa
Former publicist at Geffen/DGC Records
Goldberg, Danny
NIRVANA's co-manager at Gold Mountain, together with John Silva
Goldston, Lori
Cello player with NIRVANA between July 1993 and January 1994
Goodman, Kelly L.
Actress wearing the human organ body suit from the Heart-Shaped Box Video
Gordo, João
Lead singer of the Brazilian punk band Ratos de Porão. Introduced NIRVANA onto the stage at their infamous Sao Paulo show on January 16th 1993. Also spent time with the band during their time in Sao Paulo
Gordon, Kim
Guitarist/singer with the band Sonic Youth, one of Cobain's favourite bands, and with whom NIRVANA toured in the summer of 1991
Grant, Tom
Private investigator hired April 3rd 1994 by Courtney Love to find Cobain when he went missing. He has subsequently claimed Cobain was in fact murdered
Grey, Kennedy
A writer from Los Angeles who now has much of NIRVANA's unclaimed fan mail that has been collected over the years
Grohl, Dave Eric
NIRVANA's drummer between 1990 and 1994. Current frontman for the Foo Fighters
Grohl, James
Grohl's father. Passed away August 6th, 2014
Grohl, Virginia
Grohl's mother
Guthrie, Arlo
Arlo recorded the album Alice's Restaurant, one of Cobain's favourites as a child
Hafner, Chris
Directed the video for You Know You're Right. Passed away, by suicide, January 2nd 2018
Halperin, Ian
Co-author of two books which support Tom Grant's claim that Cobain was murdered. Also see Wallace, Max
Hanna, Kathleen
Musician (Bikini Kill, Julie Ruin, Le Tigre). Cobain famously coined the song-title 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' after misinterpreting something Hanna had graffitied on his bedroom wall
Hanszek, Chris
Co-founder of Reciprocal Recording Studios alongside Jack Endino
Harrison, Hank
Estranged father of Courtney Love. Passed away January 23rd, 2022
Hirschberg, Lynn
Wrote an infamous Vanity Fair article which alleged Courtney Love had knowingly taken drugs whilst pregnant. A custody battle for their daughter ensued
Hodgkinson, Antony
a.k.a. "Tony the dancer". Danced onstage at no fewer than 5 Nirvana Shows; He also has played in a number of bands such as Bivouac, Dogntank, Punish the Atom and Holy Mcgrail
Hokanson, Greg
Drummer in Fecal Matter, the very first band Cobain put together, which consisted of Cobain, Hokanson, and Dale Crover. Hokanson was quickly dropped from the band and replaced by Matt Lukin
Hood, Doug
NIRVANA's NZ booking agent at Looney Tours
Hoselton, Charlie
Photographed Cobain for Monk magazine in November 1992
Hull, Bill
Worked at the Taco Bell with Krist Novoselic. It was Hull that introduced Novoselic to Buzz Osbourne and Matt Lukin
Hunter, Bob
Cobain's high school art teacher