For those of you who scour the internet for old trading lists, there are many mislabels floating around which may distract you. Some of these errors are due to mistakes, misinformation, or even obfuscation by bootleggers on pressed bootleg CDs; whilst others are due to poor memories of tapers.

This list will attempt to compile all of the known mislabels over the years of Nirvana trading.

If you find a copy of what appears to be an unsurfaced show, but the recording is listed in the first column of this page below, do check with the Nirvana Live Guide to see if the setlist of your find is the same as that of the recording given in the corresponding second column below - if the setlists match, then it is almost certain that you have the mislabel and not an unsurfaced recording.

We shall compile all mislabelled dates in the first column, list the correct date of the concert in the second column, mention whether a concert actually occurred on the mislabelled date in the third column, state whether a recording of the concert on the mislabelled date actually exists in the fourth column, and state a reason for the mislabel in the fifth column. Here "CD" means a bootleg CD has incorrectly reported the date or venue of the concert in its sleeve notes; "Vinyl" means a vinyl bootleg release notes the incorrect information on its cover; "Hoax" means an unscrupulous trader has deliberately mislabelled a tape; "Other" encompasses all other reasons. The Notes column adds extra information, including the names of CD or vinyl releases blamed for the mistakes.


Mislabel: Actual Details: Concert Played? Recording Exists? Reason & Notes:
xx/xx/85 rehearsal 06/23/89 Los Angeles No No Other / MTV gave the wrong date when they aired clips from 06/23/89.
xx/xx/87 Raymond 03/xx/87 Unknown Yes No Other / This show turns out to be NIRVANA's first ever concert. The Cobain biography, 'Heavier Than Heaven' by Charles Cross, confirmed the date to be 03/87. The bootleg 'First Live Show' is even more exact, claiming the date to be 03/07/87, but there is some skepticism about this.
12/?/87 Tacoma 01/23/88 Tacoma No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show list this show as '12/?/87 Legends Club - Tacoma, WA'.
12/14/87 Tacoma 01/23/88 Tacoma No No CD & Video / The rare "Tacoma 1987" Bootleg CD lists the date as "1987", but this confusion can be traced back to the original video source, which was labelled as "December 1987". Dale Crover has since confirmed this show to be 01/23/88, the evening show following the recording session.
05/15/88 New York 04/10/90 Ann Arbor No No Vinyl / The "Oi Kinnock, Give Us Back Our Rose" 7" vinyl bootleg has a few songs from the 04/10/90 show, and is not from the New Music Seminar in 1988 as stated on the sleeve.
06/xx/88 Olympia 06/xx/89 Olympia No No CD / The "Complete Cover Versions" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
10/31/88 Seattle 10/28/88 Seattle No No The Union Station show is now believed to have taken place on the 28th, and is uncirculated
12/xx/88 Aberdeen xx/xx/8x Aberdeen No No Other / There are no known dates for Kurt's 'Bambi Kill', 'Clean Up Before She Comes', 'Beans' and 'Black And White Blues' home recordings. Several bootlegs lists this recording incorrectly.
12/24/88 Seattle 06/xx/88 Seattle Yes No CD / Several bootlegs lists this studio session incorrectly. The real 12/24/88 studio session is not circulating in trading circles.
xx/xx/89 Aberdeen xx/xx/88 Aberdeen No No Other / Several bootlegs lists this concert incorrectly. (The 'About A Girl' demo).
xx/xx/89 Seattle 11/22/89 Vienna No No CD / The "Out Of The Blue" CD lists this show as "Seattle University 1989", which is likely to be obfuscation on the part of the bootlegger to avoid detection, or possibly just the assumption that all early Nirvana shows were likely to be in Seattle.
xx/xx/89 Australian Radio 11/22/89 Vienna No No CD / "Outcesticide VI - A Mess Of Blues CD" lists this concert incorrectly.
xx/xx/89 Atlanta 05/06/90 Atlanta No No Other / Mislabelled on trade lists.
02/25/89 Seattle 11/22/89 Vienna Yes No Other / Mislabelled on trade lists.
04/15/89 Portland 02/09/90 Portland No No CD / The "World Without End" 2CD set has this mislabel.
07/xx/89 Los Angeles 06/23/89 Los Angeles No No CD / The "In Memory Of Kurt Cobain" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
07/07/89 Chicago 07/08/89 Chicago Yes No CD & Other / This show circulated widely on the "Bleach Out! Break Out!" bootleg CD, which lists the date as the 7th. In November 2002 it was revealed that NIRVANA played in Madison on the 7th, so the original date is now thought to be incorrect. The true date is most likely to be 07/08/89.
07/09/89 Wilkinsburg 07/12/89 Philadelphia Yes No Hoax? / The real 07/09/89 show is unsurfaced.
09/01/89 Tijuana 02/17/90 Tijuana Yes? No Video / This video is now known to be from 1990, but was widely reported to be 09/01/89 before this was corrected.
09/09/89 Chicago 09/30/89 Chicago No No Video / This show was previously assumed to be a Sonic Youth support slot, but analysis of the venue's website reveals that this was not the case.
10/01/89 Cincinnati 10/06/89 Cincinnati Yes No Other / The date of this show was originally misreported until a newspaper clipping surfaced which gave the true date.
10/12/89 Birmingham 10/29/89 Birmingham No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
10/15/89 Long Beach 02/16/90 Long Beach No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
10/23/89 Newcastle 02/16/90 Long Beach Yes No CD / Those tracks on Outcesticide II which claim to be from this show are really from Long Beach.
10/27/89 London 10/25/89 Leeds Yes No CD / "Blew" Australian CD.
10/27/89 London 10/30/89 Norwich Yes No An incomplete 10/30/89 circulated as 10/27/89. The real 10/27/89 surfaced in 2004.
11/05/89 Hilversum 11/01/89 Hilversum Yes Yes Other / The session was aired on the 5th hence the mislabel.
11/13/89 Hamburg 11/09/89 Hannover Yes Yes Vinyl / From the vinyl "Love Box" , listed as 11/89 Germany. The real date is most likely to be 11/09/89, as evidenced by the band's attempts to learn German in contemporary shows. A genuine recording from 11/13/89 is circulating.
11/17/89 Frankfurt 11/17/89 Gammelsdorf No No In October 2002 it was ascertained that the correct venue for this show was Circus, Gammelsdorf and not Negativ, Frankfurt as had been believed.
11/19/89 Gammelsdorf 11/17/89 Gammelsdorf No No Other / Tapes of incomplete 11/17/89 used to circulate as 11/19/89. Although it was thought that this was a hoax, it now transpires that the venue was correct after all, and the error in the date was probably a mistake.
11/19/89 Heidelberg 11/15/89 Heidelberg No No Video / The video originally surfaced as 11/19/89 before the true date was established.
11/21/89 Linz 11/20/89 Linz Yes No Video / The "Dankeschön" DVD bootleg lists this show incorrectly.
11/22/89 London 10/26/89 London Yes Yes Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
11/24/89 Hilversum 11/25/91 Hilversum Yes No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
11/25/89 Hilversum 11/25/91 Hilversum Yes No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
11/28/89 Florence 11/26/89 Mezzago Yes No CD / The "In The Bloom" CD bootleg lists this show as 11/28/89, but this concert is actually from 2 days prior to that.
11/28/89 Vienna 11/22/89 Vienna Yes No CD / The "Live At The U4" CD bootleg lists this show as 11/28/89, but this concert is actually from 2 days prior to that.
12/01/89 Paris 12/01/89 Issy-les-Moulineaux Yes Yes Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.


Mislabel: Actual Details: Concert Played? Recording Exists? Reason & Notes:
xx/xx/90 New York 01/10/92 New York No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
01/01/90 Seattle 01/01/91 Seattle No No CD / The "Undiscovered Tracks Vol. 2" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
01/07/90 Seattle 01/06/90 Seattle No No CD / The "Supercollossal Bigmuff" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
01/15/90 Los Angeles 02/15/90 Los Angeles No No CD / The "Dive into Hole" and "Live Vol. 2" bootlegs has this mislabel.
02/13/90 San Francisco 02/14/90 San Francisco No No Other / This show has been mislabeled in the past.
02/18/90 Tijuana 02/17/90 Tijuana No No In March 2004 it was ascertained that the correct date is 02/17/90.
03/xx/90 Olympia & 04/xx/90 Olympia 03/20/90 Olympia n/a No Video / The early music videos, known as the "Evergreen Videos", were made on the 20th.
03/11/90 Chicago 10/26/89 Chicago No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
04/02/90 Chicago 04/01/90 Chicago No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
04/04/90 Atlanta 05/06/90 Atlanta No No Other / Unsure of information.
04/15/90 Portland 02/09/90 Portland No No Other / Unsure of information.
05/05/90 Jacksonville n/a Yes Yes Hoax / A trader pretended to have this show. An audio does exist but is not circulating.
05/14/90 Lincoln 05/13/90 Lincoln Yes No CD / "Saturday Night Sonic Attack". Note that the "Mindblower" CD had the right date all along. Nirvana played in Denver on this date.
08/13/90 Long Beach 02/16/90 Long Beach No No No show was played at this date.
08/xx/90 San Francisco 04/xx/91 San Francisco No No Other / 'Drain You', recorded at "Melvins House" in April 1991 claims to be from August 1990 on several bootlegs.
09/?/90 Portland 02/09/90 Portland No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
09/15/90 Olympia 09/25/90 Olympia No No Other / KAOS broadcast now believed to have been on the 25th.
11/05/90 London 11/05/91 London No No CD / The "Ultimate Collection Vol. 1" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.


Mislabel: Actual Details: Concert Played? Recording Exists? Reason & Notes:
01/xx/91 London 10/21/90 London No No Other / The session was aired in January 1991 hence the mislabel.
01/xx/91 New York 01/10/92 New York No No Video / The 1994 MTV tribute to NIRVANA was littered with factual errors. The songs selected from the MTV Studios concert in 1992 were labelled as January 1991.
01/11/91 Seattle 01/01/91 Seattle No No CD / The "Heart-Shaped Box (Disc 2)" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
01/16/91 Olympia 01/18/91 Olympia No? No Other / The date of this concert was misreported at first. Two songs from this show is circulating.
xx/xx/91 Dallas 10/11/91 Detroit Yes Yes CD / "Dallas 91" & "Live Trees". The 10/19/91 Dallas show is available on video, and clips are on "Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!".
xx/xx/91 Seattle 12/28/91 Del Mar No No CD / The "Live At Duffy's" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly as Seattle '91.
04/11/91 Bristol 11/04/91 Bristol No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
04/12/91 Del Mar 12/28/91 Del Mar No No CD / The "See You Soon" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
05/05/91 London 11/05/91 London No No CD / The "Live Tits" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
06/16/91 Del Mar 12/28/91 Del Mar No No CD / The "The Club" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
06/19/91 Sacramento 06/17/91 Sacramento No No Other / In September 2006 it was discovered that the real date for the show is 06/17/91. The date of this concert was misreported from a person who taped the show.
06/xx/91 Reading 08/23/91 Reading No No Video / MTV frequently gives the date of Reading 1991 clips as June 1991.
08/11/91 London 11/08/91 London No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
08/17/91 Köln 08/24/91 Köln No No Video / The "Lives Forever" bootleg DVD lists this concert incorrectly.
09/30/91 Boston 09/23/91 Boston Yes No Other / MTV gave the wrong date when they aired clips from the show
10/03/91 Seattle 10/31/91 Seattle No No CD / The "Ultimate Collection vol. 1" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
10/21/91 Houston 10/21/91 Austin No No Other / A show was played in Houston the previous night. The confusion was over the location of the day show.
10/23/91 San Diego 10/24/91 San Diego No No Other / The Off The record in-store show took place on the 24th, the same day as the concert in Tijuana, and not the previous day as was assumed before.
10/29/91 Portland 08/20/91 Cork No No CD / "Put The Money Down".
11/xx/91 Leningrad 11/17/91 Mezzago No No Other / Mislabelled on trade lists as '11/xx/91 Leningrad Sports Complex'.
11/04/91 Paris 02/04/94 Paris Yes Yes Video / The "Live Forever" bootleg DVD lists this concert incorrectly.
11/12/91 London 11/09/91 London Yes No CD / The "Smells Like Nirvana" 7" bootleg lists this concert incorrectly.
11/13/91 Munich 11/17/91 Mezzago Yes Yes CD / The "Europe 1991" CD had no date so various guesses were made until August 2005 when the real 11/16/91 surfaced.
11/16/91 Muggia 11/17/91 Mezzago Yes Yes CD / The "Europe 1991" CD had no date so various guesses were made until August 2005 when the real 11/16/91 surfaced.
11/20/91 Bariciella 11/17/91 Mezzago Yes Yes CD / The "Europe 1991" CD had no date so various guesses were made until August 2005 when the real 11/16/91 surfaced.
11/20/91 Bologna 11/17/91 Mezzago Yes Yes CD / The "A Season In Hell Part 2" CD lists this concert incorrectly.
xx/xx/91 Gent 11/11/91 Hamburg Yes Yes CD / "Bleach Pop" and "Live In Belgium".
11/24/91 Amsterdam 11/25/91 Amsterdam No No Other / The "2 Meter" Session took place on the same day as the Paradiso concert, and not the previous day as was assumed before.
11/26/91 Amsterdam 11/25/91 Amsterdam No No CD / "Paradiso" ("2 Meter" Session).
11/28/91 London 11/27/91 London Yes Yes Other / Top Of The Pops was first aired on the 28th hence the mislabel.
11/29/91 Edinburgh 11/30/91 Glasgow Yes Yes Other / Some old tapes were mislabelled.
12/05/91 London 11/22/89 Vienna Yes Yes CD / The "Over The Rainbow" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
12/15/91 London 09/03/91 London No No Vinyl / The "Foretaste" 7" bootleg lists this concert incorrectly.
12/28/91 San Diego 12/28/91 San Diego Yes Yes Other / The first FM broadcast has been mislabeled as audience recordings on trade lists.


Mislabel: Actual Details: Concert Played? Recording Exists? Reason & Notes:
01/31/92 Melbourne 02/01/92 Melbourne Yes Yes CD / "Saturday Night Sonic Attack".
02/03/92 Melbourne 02/01/92 Melbourne No No Other / The show was broadcast on the 3rd of February 1992.
02/06/92 Stockholm 06/30/92 Stockholm Yes Yes Other / Mislabel from eBay.
02/17/92 Kawasaki 02/14/92 Osaka Yes No CD / This surfaced on "Tribute To Kurt Cobain Series Vol. 1", with this mislabel.
03/xx/92 San Diego 12/28/91 San Diego No No Other / Several bootlegs lists this concert incorrectly.
06/03/92 Stockholm 06/30/92 Stockholm No No CD / "Unleashed".
06/24/92 Paris 09/11/92 Seattle Yes Yes CD / The "Love Paris" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
07/07/92 Chicago 07/08/89 Chicago Mo No Other / Mislabel from eBay.
09/08/92 Los Angeles 09/09/92 Los Angeles Yes No CD / The "Higher State Of Mind (Rottweiler)" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
09/08/92 Belgium 11/11/91 Hamburg Yes No Other / Mislabel from eBay.
09/10/92 Los Angeles 09/09/92 Los Angeles Yes Yes Video / MTV Video Music Awards was aired on the 10th as "live", hence the confusion.
09/29/92 Los Angeles 09/09/92 Los Angeles No No Other / MTV gave the wrong date when they aired 'Rape Me' from 9/11/92.
10/02/92 Washington DC 10/02/91 Washington DC No No Other / Old tapes and trade lists of this show were mislabelled.
10/02/92 Bellingham 10/03/92 Bellingham No No Other / There is a clip on "Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!" of this concert, and 20 minutes of an audience recording is now circulating.
10/04/92 Seattle 09/11/92 Seattle Yes Part Video / Five songs have surfaced on video.
10/11/92 Seattle 09/11/92 Seattle No No Other / Mislabel from eBay.
10/13/92 Buenos Aires 10/30/92 Buenos Aires No No CD / The "Higher State Of Mind (Rottweiler)" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
10/26/92 ??? 12/28/91 San Diego No No Other / An old Nirvana discography lists this concert incorrectly.
10/30/92 Buenos Aires 01/23/93 Rio de Janeiro Yes Yes Video / Mislabelled video.
11/xx/92 Rockin The Environment Festival Seattle 12/28/91 San Diego No No CD / Mislabelled on multiple bootleg CDs.
11/xx/92 San Diego 12/28/91 San Diego No No CD / Mislabelled bootleg CD.


Mislabel: Actual Details: Concert Played? Recording Exists? Reason & Notes:
xx/xx/93 Reading 08/30/92 Reading No No CD / "Unplugged And More".
xx/xx/93 Chicago 10/31/91 Seattle No No Other / "Aftershow at the Staying Power Club, Chicago 93". Several bootlegs lists this concert incorrectly.
01/07/93 Seattle 01/07/94 Seattle No No CD / "Rape Me Again".
01/22/93 Rio de Janeiro 01/19>21/93 Rio de Janeiro No No CD / "The Sessions".
03/xx/93 Cannon Falls 02/12>26/93 Cannon Falls No No Other / Mislabeled on various Nirvana websites.
03/14/93 Cannon Falls 02/12>26/93 Cannon Falls No No Other / Mislabeled on various Nirvana websites.
07/23/93 New York 12/13/93 Seattle Yes Yes Video / The MTV concert was frequently mislabelled amongst older video traders, and this confusion still persists on some commercial lists, e.g. at CD Shop Gold.
07/25/93 New York 07/23/93 New York No No CD / The "Make Me Sick" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
08/30/93 Reading 08/30/92 Reading No No CD / The "Unplugged And More" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
09/14/93 Montreal 02/14/94 Paris No No CD / "Come As You Are" and clones.
10/21/93 London 10/21/90 London Yes Yes CD / The "Plugged & Unplugged" CD lists this concert incorrectly. The Peel Session was aired in October 1993.
10/25/93 Chicago 10/23/93 Chicago Yes No Other / unsure of information.
11/27/93 St. Petersburg 11/27/93 Miami No No CD / "Meltdown".
11/28/93 Miami 11/27/93 Miami No No CD / "Miami 1993".
12/xx/93 New York 11/18/93 New York No No CD / The "Plugged & Unplugged" CD lists this concert incorrectly. The show was aired in December 1993.
12/04/93 Chicago 12/10/93 St. Paul No No CD / "Unleashed".
12/15/93 Seattle 12/13/93 Seattle No No Video / The date of the MTV broadcast was uncertain for a long time.
12/31/93 Seattle 12/13/93 Seattle No No Video / The MTV Live and Loud concert, although premiered on New Years Eve, was in fact recorded earlier in the month. Nirvana played in San Francisco on New Years Eve.


Mislabel: Actual Details: Concert Played? Recording Exists? Reason & Notes:
xx/xx/94 New York 02/04/94 Paris No No CD / The "Fighting The 'N' Factor" bootleg CD lists this concert incorrectly.
01/06/94 Spokane 01/07/94 Seattle Yes No Hoax / An old hoax from many years ago.
02/12/94 Paris 02/12/94 Toulon Yes Yes Video / The Toulon video surfaced labeled as 02/12/94 Paris (correct date, wrong location). Since the Paris concert was known to have taken place on 02/14/94, the video's date was often changed to reflect this, and became 02/14/94 Paris, when in fact it was the location that was incorrect not the date.
02/22/94 Rome 11/18/93 New York Yes Yes CD / 'The Man Who Sold The World' from Unplugged claims to be from Rome on multiple bootleg clones of "XXII II MCMXCIV".
03/01/94 Munich 02/24/94 Milan Yes Part Video / The commercial release of the bootleg video is titled "The Last Nirvana Show", which it is not.
03/02/94 Munich 03/01/94 Munich No No Nirvana's final show was on March 1st.
04/02/94 Paris 02/04/94 Paris No No Video / The "About A Boy" bootleg DVD lists this concert incorrectly.