LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: 09/30/89 - Cabaret Metro, Chicago, IL, US

Generation: VHS(M)>DVDR - Text File
Source: AMT #1 - amateur video
Length: 31 mins - incomplete

Transferred by: Mike Ziegler
Video: 9.6 mb/s CBR
Audio: 256kb/s AC3

09-30-89 09-30-89 09-30-89 09-30-89 09-30-89 09-30-89


The following songs are missing: "Token Eastern Song", "Stain", "Negative Creep" and "Blew".

Review: Shot from a balcony straight in front of the stage. The stage is well lit which allowed some good close shots particularly of Kurt. Overall picture clarity is good despite focusing not always being on the mark and a slightly blurred image created when lights are shone directly on Kurt. Audio is clear and consistent throughout. Songs that cut in are only missing the first few seconds of the intro.

Inferior Transfers:
1: VHS(2)>DVDR, Barry Lajnwand.
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:

Old menu

2: VHS(2)>REMASTER>DVDR, Jim Hirte.
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:


3: VHS(2)>DVDR, Bill Mayer.
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:


4: VHS(1)>DVDR, Mike Ziegler.
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:


Please see the Live Nirvana Tour History for more information about the sources available for this show.